Marjamaa Talu

Apple-buckthorne juice 750 ml

50,00  SEK4,50 1L / 6,00 €

Apple-buckthorn juice, known as õuna-astelpaju mahl, combines the crisp and familiar taste of apples with the unique tartness of buckthorn berries. This delightful juice offers a harmonious blend of flavors that is both refreshing and invigorating.

The juice is made from carefully selected apples and buckthorn berries, ensuring the highest quality and optimal taste. The apples provide a sweet and juicy base, while the buckthorn berries add a tangy and slightly sour note, creating a perfect balance of flavors.

Sipping on a glass of apple-buckthorn juice is a true delight for the taste buds. The natural sweetness of the apples is complemented by the tanginess of the buckthorn berries, resulting in a pleasant and flavorful experience. The juice can be enjoyed chilled as a refreshing beverage, or used as a base for cocktails, smoothies, and other culinary creations.

Not only does apple-buckthorn juice offer a delicious taste, but it also brings a range of health benefits. Apples are a rich source of dietary fiber and antioxidants, while buckthorn berries are known for their high content of vitamin C and other beneficial nutrients. Together, they contribute to overall well-being and support a healthy lifestyle.

Indulge in the delightful combination of apples and buckthorn berries with õuna-astelpaju mahl. Experience the refreshing taste, savor the nutritional benefits, and enjoy the natural goodness of this unique juice blend. Cheers to the beauty of nature’s flavors!

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Storlek750 ml